
This category is used for site notices and updates. I use it when I add new product descriptions, blog post templates, email templates, or when I release new software.

Bamboo Product Descriptions

By request, bamboo product descriptions for 4 new items have been added to the product description generator. You’ll find these new products under the Eco-Friendly category. They include: Bamboo Bags Bamboo Cutlery Bamboo Straws Bamboo Water Bottles Here is an example description for Bamboo Cutlery When traveling this bamboo cutlery set will eliminate the need

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bamboo spoon fork knife

Fantasy & Beaded Jewelry Product Descriptions

Due to requests from several members, I’ve added 2 new Jewelry categories, Beaded Jewelry product descriptions, and Fantasy Jewelry Product Descriptions. This should help sellers of specialty jewelry get more accurate descriptions of their products. I’ll add more as requested! Fantasy Jewelry Rings Pendants Beaded Jewelry Earrings Necklaces Bracelets Here are some samples from each

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jewelry update

Luxury Watches Added

Luxury Watch Product Descriptions   I had already added watches to the item description generator but then I got this in an email from a store owner named Benjamin. First of all I want to thank you to provide such a great way to generate product descriptions for a good affordable price. Unfortunately I was

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