Blog Post Generator – SubjectScribe

A blog post generator is a great way to help you write original content quickly. They can inform, sell, inspire and tell a story. Blogs are great for business because they can give free traffic and are totally under our own control.

But sitting down and tapping out 1000 words doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Some of use need a little help.

Do any or all of these apply to you?

  • Want to write a blog post but don’t know how to start writing?
  • Keep getting stuck on the next (or first) sentence?
  • Don’t want to spend hours editing random ai content?
  • Desire to make a constant stream of original content but just don’t have the time?

I was exactly the same way. I started this site when I had trouble coming up with product descriptions and found others did too. Blog posts are a bit harder because they can be about anything and everything. They are also longer in content.

But what I found was that with enough writing prompts, I could keep churning out what I wanted to say. So I put those suggestions into this blog post generator and added many other helpful tools.

If you have the troubles I mentioned above and want to create blog posts for your website or online store; then this will be your go-to tool for content writing when you need to write amazing blog posts!

blog post generator
Blog Post Generator

My Latest Posts

Table of Contents


Sentence Templates

Niche Templates

Niche fill-in-the-blank templates are sentences that have been hand-written for a variety of subjects. As a result, there are several hundred curated sentences for each topic. We also have a tool to help you fill in the blanks!

niche categories
  • General
  • Money
  • Travel
  • Health
  • Fashion
  • Home Decor
  • Food
niche templates
niche sentence templates

Opening Sentences

The opening line of your blog post has to hook the reader. This is so important we have several features dedicated to just the opening line.

There are several categories of special opening sentences based on the type of post you are writing. If you are writing a different type of post, you can also use the niche sentence templates or the opening sentence search feature.

Special opening sentence categories
  • Problem/Solution Posts (great for products and sales)
  • Listicles (great for top 10 lists!)
  • Hopes and Dream (good for coaching and selling)
  • Roundups (excellent for content curation)

Conclusion Sentences

Ending the blog post is second only to the opening. If you’ve got the reader this far, you want have a nice ending or steer them to a course of action. We have several speical closing categories to help end on a high note.

Conclusion categories
  • Sum Up
  • Call to Action (Buy, Subscribe)
  • Share
  • Get Comments

Sentence generator from a word

If you get stuck you can use our sentence generator from a word feature. Search our database of 1 million sentences for inspiration or use. You can also search for just opening sentences.

sentence generator from a word
opening sentence generator from a word tool

Main Content Generation

There are several options to generate content for your blog post, as well as niche templates, and the sentence generator from a word feature mentioned we have the following tools included.

Wikipedia Curation Tool

Bring in reasearch from Wikipedia by searching and importing sentences to your post.

Wikipedia Curation Tool
Import sentences from Wikipedia

Text Curation Tool

Copy and paste text from any website inside our curation tool and you’ll be able to pick and choose what you want to keep and what not.

Paste your text for curation
Paste Text for Curation
Click what you want to keep
Click the sentences you want to keep!

Content Suggestions Tool

Once you’ve written enough text the content suggestion tool will pick the most used words to give you sentence and paragraph suggestions for you to insert.

content suggestion tool
Content Suggestion Tool

Fill & Spin Feature

Getting fill in the blank templates isn’t much help if you are going to get stuck on what word or phrase to use to make the sentence complete.

Additionally you are going to want to change up some of the words and rewrite the content in your own style as much as possible.

This tool works in two ways. Click on a blank and it will give you filler suggestions. Click on a word and it will give you a random list of synomyms to let you improve the word choice.

Don’t see a good option? Click on the more button to generate a new list.

Want to see all options? Click on the list button to get an alphabetical list of all suggestions.

fill in the blank tool
fill in the blank tool

Blog Post Outlines/Guides

If you’d like to add structure to your post, and would like to have a sentence-by-sentence writing guide, then we have the tool for you! Just select an outline and follow along. The next suggestion will appear on the editor screen just above the text so you can see your progress.

blog post outlines
blog post outlines

Blog Post Search

Even Shakespeare needed inspiration for his plays. Use the inspiration tab to search on what others are writing in your subject. The tool will show you an excerpt of the blog post as well as the headings used. Click on the link to read the post or copy the link to include it in a round up post.

blog post search
Blog Post Search

Other Features

Related Words

Look up words related to your subject. The words will be grouped by nouns, verbs and adjectives. Click the word to copy to the clipboard.

related words tool
Words Related to Cat

Saving and loading files

You can save your work in a text file to your computer if you want to work on it later. Additionally anything you are working on will be saved in the editor until you clear it. Nothing gets saved on our servers.

You can also upload any text (.txt) file. Use the append upload if you want to add addtional text to your existing work.

save and load text files
Save/Load tools

Cleaning up Text

Sometimes our text needs a bit of clean up, so I put a few mantinece tools

  • Captilize the first word of a sentence
  • Remove extra line feeds
  • Remove double spaces
text cleaning tools
Clean up tools

What other things are included?

These are main tools seperate from the blog post generator.

Quick Article Generator

This tool is great if you just need a quick article with minimal research. The software will ask you to provide a subject, choose a headline, and outline. After that, you simply enter some keywords, choose research from a database of articles. Then choose the sentences you would like to include and then help the software choose the right words to write your post.

Blog Utilities

This include quick versions of the tools in the previous software and some useful utilities that didn’t fit in anywhere else.

blog post utilities
Blog Utilities

Sample Blog Posts

The following articles were all written with the help of the SubjectScribe blog post generator.

Is SubjectScribe right for you?

If you are:

  • A published novelist
  • Looking for spinner software that steals other people blogs
  • Expecting a magical solution

Then this is probably not the software you are looking for.

However, if you don’t mind putting in about an hour of filling in a few forms, clicking suggestions, and copying and pasting, SubjectScribe is the blog post generator that can help you rapidly put together your blog posts, and get your message out to the world!