Paragraph Generator

This nifty paragraph generator lets you quickly and easily create killer text for your posts. Just enter a few lines of text, and the tool will automatically generate a catchy paragraph to help complete your article, essay, or blog post. This tool will generate a random paragraph on the fly based on your input. This can be helpful when you need to produce a text document quickly or if you are writing an essay and do not have time to draft each paragraph individually.

After using the paragraph generator to make your text, you should check it for errors and add your own voice to the words. While the machine is great for turning out large chunks of text, only you can add your special uniqueness that readers will respond to.

Paragraph Generator


Enter a  subject sentence or some ideas into the input field and press the write button

Suggestions for input 

  • How to save money
  • Traveling to Spain 
  • Finding activities to do with your child
  • Video
  • Samples

Tips and tricks

  1. Start with a strong opening sentence that will capture the reader’s attention.
  2. Use active and engaging language to keep your readers reading.
  3. Use strong verbs to describe what is happening in the paragraph.
  4. Keep paragraphs short and to the point.
  5. Use transitional words and phrases to help organize your thoughts into cohesive paragraphs.

Frequently asked questions

What is a paragraph?

A paragraph is a group of sentences typically about a single topic.

How many sentences are in a paragraph?

There is no set number of sentences in a paragraph, but typically, there are 1 to 5 sentences per paragraph. Keeping paragraphs short helps the reader to digest information more readily. Paragraphs should be concise but long enough to be informative. A good rule of thumb is to aim for three sentences but adjust the number as needed.

How do you divide a paragraph into sections?

To divide a paragraph into sections, look for the natural breaks in the text. For example, if an article has long paragraphs with no indentation, you might divide it into two or three sections by placing commas at the end of each long paragraph.

Why is it good to break up long paragraphs?

Breaking up long paragraphs can help to make your writing more readable. It also allows you to focus on specific points, making your argument more compelling. Additionally, breaking up long paragraphs can help to avoid confusion amongst readers.

How do you create solid and engaging paragraphs? 

You can do a few things to make your paragraphs more engaging.

  • First, try to use strong verbs and adjectives. This will help draw the reader in and make them want to read.
  • Be sure to include interesting facts or figures that support your argument and vivid descriptions that help the reader picture what is happening.
  • Ensure each paragraph flows smoothly from one to the next, without any jumps in logic or formatting. By following these simple tips, you can create engaging paragraphs that will keep your readers reading until the end.

How can you use persuasive language in your paragraphs? 

A persuasive language is a powerful tool that can be used to convince others of your point of view. Using specific words and phrases can create a strong emotional impact on the reader.

When writing persuasive prose, keep in mind the following tips: 

  • Use concrete examples to illustrate your points. This will help the reader understand what you are saying more easily. 
  • Be clear and concise. Avoid going into too much detail; focus on delivering your message effectively. 
  • Be upbeat. It can be easy to write negatively, but this will not persuade anyone. Instead, try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and see things from their perspective.

What are some practical ways to enhance readability in your paragraphs?

One way to make your writing more readable is to use shorter sentences and paragraphs. This will help the reader to understand your points more quickly. You can also try to use plain language when describing concepts that are not complicated. Finally, use an active voice when writing so the reader can understand what is happening rather than just reading about it.

What is an active voice?

Active voice is the opposite of passive voice. In the active voice, the subject of a sentence is doing the action and the object is being done to. “I am writing a letter” is in the active voice while “A letter was written by me” is in the passive voice.